When God Doesn't Answer Prayer

Give us wisdom

Show us Your will

Direct us and guide us

Help us understand

Help me learn my lesson

Provide a job

Provide a home

These are just a few of the things that Matt and I have prayed over the six and a half months that we've been here.  Most of these things, I feel, are good things to pray for.  Wisdom?  Direction?  It's not like we're asking for a Maserati and a mansion by the sea.  I don't feel like we are being unreasonable.

Over and over again, we pray.  "Lord, You are sovereign.  You are good.  You have a plan.  You aren't lost and confused.  But we are.  Help.  Please."

And over and over again, do you know what we hear?  Silence.

Like I said, I don't think we are being unreasonable.  I don't think we are praying for things that are displeasing to God.  So I'm struggling to understand why I feel so...ignored?  And just downright crappy.

I believe that God is good.  I believe He has a plan.  I believe He knows what He is doing.  I believe He loves me.  I don't doubt those things.  I also don't doubt that He hears me just fine.

I know that God is not a genie, and He's not Santa.  I know His timing is not my timing, and His ways are not my ways.  Whether I can see it or not, God has a plan, and He is the most capable being ever.  So even when my prayers are not being answered, I know that He still loves and cares for me.  And He will answer when the time is right.

But so often I just wish God's timing was my timing.  If it was, I would have been happily employed and Matt and I would have been living in our own place about 6 months ago.  And if His ways were my ways, He would speak to me directly in person and tell me exactly what I need to know.  Because I like direct communication.

I am not going to lie - it is hard waiting for God to answer our prayers.  It.Is.HARD.  I don't like it.  Not one bit.  This whole refinement business can not be classified as fun.  But here I am.  Here we are.  And we have no choice but to sit and wait.  And keep praying.

And even though I don't feel like our prayers are ever going to be answered; even though I don't feel like things are ever going to change or get better?  I know that someday they will.

You just might have to remind me that I know that.


Kari said…
I can sympathize with you Lauren. I've been in that season of waiting and praying before, in fact, I am there right now. And it is no fun and it is seemingly neverending, and there are times when I just want to pitch a fit. But eventually it will end, I promise! And then maybe someday you'll be able to look back and see that God really did work everything for good in your life, even when it didn't seem like it at the time. I hope it gets better soon!

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