I Have a Problem

A serious, serious problem.

The Carnival Conquest - our honeymoon ship, docked in the Grand Cayman Islands.

All I can think about is going on another cruise.

It doesn't help that Carnival is seemingly spending all their money on advertising to me and only me.  They pop up everywhere.  I can't get away.

I am currently one step away from booking a five day cruise to Mexico in December.  I have the tab open in my browser, patiently waiting for husband to come home and tell me I can click submit.  That probably won't happen.


Carnival can decide that they love me and feel sorry for me and want to give Matt and I a free cruise.  That probably won't happen, either, but a girl can dream, right?

Because I'm clearly dreaming big dreams over here.


Kelly said…
Tweet about it....if you tweet it, they will come. I see people get free things all of the time if you tweet them and promise to blog about it.

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