Just for kicks and giggles

Another post in one night! Take that, unmotivated blogger-self!!!

What the heck am I going to write about when I have already said that I am tired and can't think straight and hurt all over? Well....

there is this one song

that was the ending credit song to a certain movie

which may or may not be called AVATAR.


It's called "I See You" and it's by Leona Lewis. I have been listening to it over and over at top volume on my computer (which, it's a HUGE mac and has some pretty decent volume!).

I am officially obsessed.

I am having a hard time convincing myself that I NEED to go to bed because I am tired.

I can't seem to stop myself from pressing that "play" button for probably at least the 10th time this evening.

I swear this is the last time.

Until tomorrow starts it all over again.



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