
adjusting to life after student teaching has been a rather difficult process. i still wake up in the morning and think about my students. what are they learning today? how are they doing? i miss them!

after having 801 things to do every single day and not stopping at all, a period of not having to do anything in particular is rather confusing and boring! i have had some down time...some time in which i have done a lot of reading and some movie watching. i have slept a ton! but you can only have so much r&r before you begin to go CRAZY.

hopefully tomorrow i will have a job lined up...i need the money terribly!

also tomorrow is a visit to the gastrointerologist, and then tutoring. busiest day in a while!

i did tackle my room today, which made today quite productive! it was crossing the line of messy, and i can't stand messy and unorganized. so for about 3 hours i sorted, organized, got rid of things, threw things away, read paperwork, took care of paperwork, vaccuumed, dusted, and put up my mini Christmas tree! while i was doing those things, i was also putting music from my itunes onto cds...productive afternoon!

and final tidbit: as of today, dairy queen is carrying their yule flip peppermint chip blizzard! this is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! i actually called them to see if they had it yet (hey, no sense in driving out there if they don't have what i want!)!!! yummmmmm......... :)


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