why hello there fall!

well, i was hoping to incorporate some pictures into this post but for some reason it's just not working. so boo!

i really am trying to keep this up better, but time is just so hard to come by, and when i do get free time i like to do other things. however, i will try. really. this is me trying. right now.

fall weather has come and it is wonderful! it is nice and cool and crisp outside all the time. the only downer is that there is a lot of precipitation...and this tuesday as i am on the rappel rock it is supposed to rain and snow. yuck! but all the aspens are turning a beautiful golden color and it just finally feels like fall. it's the first time in my entire life that it has ever truly felt like fall. all my previous autumn seasons have been spent in texas with 80 and 90 degree temperatures. right now it is in the 50s here! woo! love it!

we have had 3 groups in so far this fall and the kids have been great! i forgot how little and how cute 5th graders are. they just have an enthusiasm that high schoolers totally lack. it's refreshing and exhausting at the same time.

i got to see trace bundy this past friday night and he was INCREDIBLE! a concert is a rare occurance in lake city so it was amazing that he came. he is one of the most talented guitarists EVER! seriously, check him out if you haven't already. plus, besides being a super talented musician, he is super hilarious!

umm....it's dinner time and i'm hungry. adios.


Thanks for blogging! I had fun reading! I forgot that this is the first fall you have ever really truly experienced. Congratulations and enjoy it!! I miss you friend!

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