There is Hope!

Do y'all remember this?  Or this?  How about this?

I do.  What I remember most about the time period when I wrote those posts is how much I loved cooking.  And baking.  I mentioned at one point that it was therapeutic for me, and it was fun to experiment and come up with something quite delicious. 

Things have changed.  I am ashamed to say it, but y'all?  I hate cooking.

Over the course of the school year, Matt took on more and more of the meal prep duties, and I helped clean.  I just had so much work to do all the time.  Cooking became just another chore - another thing that had to be done.  And then in February, I got diagnosed as a FructMal.  So as far as eating goes, it was like going from life in a luxurious mansion to a studio apartment.  Variety and flavor to perpetual rice and grilled chicken.

For the past 4 months, our meals have consisted of the same things week to week:

Baked potatoes.

Rice noodles with butter and parmesan.

Grilled chicken and rice.


Hamburger meat and rice.

Rice tortilla "pizzas" (they are more like quesadillas with pepperoni).

Meatloaf sans the onions.  And sauce.

Mashed potatoes.

Stuffed bell peppers.

Do you see why there is no joy in cooking anymore?  There's no joy in cooking because it's always the same things.  It's always the same tastes.  There is no joy in eating.

So yesterday as I was working on this week's menu, something occurred to me.  Ever since I got diagnosed, I have been looking for recipes that are already fructmal friendly.  And I got so discouraged when my hours of searching resulted in nothing more than blurry eyes and a headache.  What I didn't realize was that I was basically setting myself up for failure and disappointment, because there really aren't many recipes that are safe as is.  But why can't I find recipes that sound good and just modify them to make them edible?

I know.  That probably sounds like a really obvious solution.  You probably already thought of it forever ago.  Sometimes it just takes me a little longer to get from Point A to Point B, okay?

But I'm really excited.  I am really excited about the possibility of flavor and texture again!  I'm going to find "regular" recipes and do my best to alter them to fit my specific dietary restrictions.  I'm trying it a few times this coming week, and I am excited to share the outcome!  Guys.  There IS hope!


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