Some Summer Goals

This morning I was supposed to be on my way to a science workshop.  I got up when my husband did, I showered, did my hair, did my makeup.  Checked my email.  And changed my mind.

You see, last night I had sent an email to the leader of the workshop asking a few questions.  The most pressing question I had was about tomorrow - I have a doctor's appointment that is fixed in stone and I wanted to know if it would be possible for me to miss the morning portion of the workshop and attend the afternoon portion.  You know, just for tomorrow.  She wrote back with probably the least helpful answer of all time, which resulted in me just unenrolling from the workshop.  On the plus side, they are offering the same workshop next week, so I enrolled in that one, when I don't have any other conflicts in my schedule.

So all of a sudden, my jam-packed busy day is open.  I am free to do as I please today, and that doesn't bother me in the least.  I have goals for this summer, so my free time will be well spent.  I have trainings to attend.  I have books to read (both for school and just because I want to).  I have Zumba routines to choreograph and Zumba routines to learn.  I have Zumba classes to teach.  I have next year to think about and plan.  I've got stuff to do!  And somewhere in there, I am supposed to recuperate from the school year that just ended.

At some point, I will hopefully get past feeling guilty for just sitting down and reading for fun.  After all, it's my summer!  I'm supposed to be resting.  I'm supposed to be taking some me time.

So today I've got some goals.  Today I want to learn a new Zumba routine, and I want to choreograph another.  I don't think those goals are too lofty, do you?


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