I am a Fainting Goat

Matt and I have lived in the same city for 1.5 years now, and to be totally honest, we still have no married friends.  We don't have any married friends who are close to the same age as us at a similar place in life. 

That sentence doesn't make sense, but I can't figure out how to make it make sense.  This is why I teach Science.


We don't have married people friends our age.  We want married people friends our age.  Not that our single friends our age aren't good enough.  Not that our single friends older than us aren't good enough.  It's just...different.  Not bad.  Just different.

We decided if we were going to try to make friends, we needed to get more involved with groups of married people our age.  So we started going to a Life Group at our church.  It is small.  It is nice.  We like it.  We decided (as a group) to meet informally over the summer in a more social setting to get to know one another better.  Plus, most of the couples are traveling quite a bit these next few months, so it really is hit or miss as far as the weekends go.

Our first social was last Friday evening.  I was excited about it; I had been looking forward to it for over a week!  And when we got there, I froze.  I freaked out.  And then I basically shut down.  I started having wild fantasies about running out the door and speeding home so I could curl up in a ball in my bed (because, you know, apparently 3 other couples is just too much).  And while all this was going on, I thought to myself, "What the heck?!  This is not normal.  I wasn't like this before...what happened to me?!  I wonder if they would all stare at me if I started crying.  Of course they would.  I would.  Oh gosh.  I think I might have turned into an introvert.  Gross.  Is that even possible?  I want my bed."

When I look back on that evening, this is how I interpret my reaction:

Seriously.  Lunatic.  I eventually calmed down, but guys?  Making new friends is HARD.  It is hard for me.  I want friends.  I want community.  I want fellowship and...any other synonyms of those things.  But getting to that point scares me to death.  And I have no idea why.

But on the bright side, aren't those goats funny?!


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