Mission: Skinny Jeans

Today I went to Ross on a mission.  I was going to find me some skinny jeans.

You see, I have this problem.  I hate shopping.  It's just not fun for me.  It makes me really tired.  I'm also very...frugal.  So if I don't NEED something, I don't go shopping.  This also creates a problem.  Because I run out of clothes that fit or are fashionable and appropriate for work all at the same time.  So then I begin to panic because OH MY GOSH I HAVE NO CLOTHES AND I LOOK LIKE A TOTAL SLOB WHO WILL ONE DAY OWN MORE CATS THAN CLOTHES!!  So then I binge.  I go shop, and I binge.  I see cute things.  I like cute things.  I buy cute things.  And then I feel very guilty about the money I just spent - never mind the fact that it has been at least 2 years since the last time I actually bought any clothes.  But then I like my cute clothes, and after I almost always return a few things, I feel much better.  Until another year or so rolls around, and the cycle continues.  Also - the word "so" pops up way too many times in this paragraph.

Back to the skinny jeans.  I found some really cute boots, which is also quite a feat for me as a girl with big, muscular legs...because usually all the cute boots won't go over my manly calves.  I have been wearing the boots with a sweater dress and tights, but you can only wear one outfit so many times.  I wanted to be able to wear these boots with some jeans!  Unfortunately, the one pair of skinny jeans I've ever owned were too big on me 10 pounds ago and made a trip to Goodwill a month ago.  So today, Ross and I were going to cooperate (and stars were going to align and pigs were going to fly) and I was going to find some great skinny jeans!

When I went to the dressing room, I had a bit of trouble with my coordination skills.  It's really hit or miss with those, and today was definitely a "miss" day.  I dropped my number and it slid under the divider to the stall next to me.  Not two minutes later, in trying to get my sandal off my foot, I launched it (I'm not kidding - it flew.  It was in the air.) under the divider into the same stall.  I am sure the woman next door thought I was either a complete weirdo or a total mess, and I was trying my hardest not to collapse into a fit of giggles.

Thankfully, it was not a "miss" day when it came to finding the perfect skinny jeans.  I bought 3 pairs and some black leggings with lace at the bottom for less than $50.  I'll probably return at least one pair, but it was a good deal, and I'm happy to have found what I was looking for without too much trouble.  Other than waiting in the checkout line for an hour because their systems crashed.  But I'm not actually going to talk about that.  Instead, I'm going to write a formal complaint to Ross. 


Mission skinny jeans accomplished!


This is a hilarious post, love it! (and you!). And yes, what a deal, 3 jeans and leggings for $50, yay! :)

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