Trivial Fluff
It's the first official day of Christmas break for me, and guess what time I got up? 6:20. Guess what time I actually woke up? 5:00. I tell ya, sleeping in is really hard when the other person who also sleeps in your room gets up for work. Once I wake up, I'm mostly awake. So here I sit, trying to figure out what I am going to do with this first week of vacation.
We have had internet for the past 2 or 3 weeks, and it has been glorious! I didn't realize how much I missed it. I've lived without internet before, but when your job takes up most of your time at home, and said job also requires frequent use of the internet, it's a bit more difficult to go without. Matt and I have been in a Netflix coma for a good portion of the past several weeks, as well.
So if we've had internet for a couple weeks now, why have I not written? It's complicated. School literally consumes my life - most of the time Matt takes care of the cooking because I get home from school and continue to work until bed time. I think one other good reason is that blogging is no longer a habit for me. I've had to prioritize, and my blog fell to the bottom of the list. When you are struggling to find the time to take care of yourself and your marriage, your blog suddenly becomes trivial fluff.
Having not blogged in a while, I'm actually a tad unsure of what to even write about. It's not that nothing has gone on (au contraire!). It's more much goes on all the time that I really don't have the time or mental capacity to process it all. Sounds fun, no? So I'm just going to start typing without a plan (which may be very dangerous) and see where we end up.
I am still loving my job despite the emotional and mental demands. I love teaching middle school - I would so much rather deal with attitude and teenage angst than tattling, crying, and whining. The kids continuously make me laugh, oftentimes without even meaning to. Teaching science is a ton of fun, even if it is a ton of work. I mean, let's be honest. What other job would allow me to burn things over and over again and create cracker poop in a bag (one of the funniest days to date!)? When we come back from the break, we are going to start two of my very favorite units - astronomy (8th grade) and heredity (7th grade). Stars and punnet squares...yippee!!!
This past week was a very easy and laid-back week - I left school by 4 every single day (something that has not happened since in-service week before school started!)! Because I teach at a private Christian school, the church Christmas program is something my students are required to participate in. This past week there were many rehearsals, all of which took up my class time. So I only had 7th grade Tues-Thurs, and I had 8th grade on Wed&Thurs. Friday was a half-day, which was occupied completely by Christmas parties. Like I said - easy week! My kids surprised me with more gifts than I would ever expect or even anticipate, but my favorite part of that was not so much the gift itself, but the cards many of them included with their gift. Not all of them wrote personal cards, but the ones that did were really sweet and made me feel good about my class. I really like my students.
Zumba is on hiatus for a month, which is unfortunate. I mean, if there is any month that we really need to be exercising, it's this one! If you could see the abundance of breads, cookies, and holiday treats on my counter, you would agree wholeheartedly. In the meantime, I'm hoping to go to yoga...we'll see how that pans out.
I honestly can't think of anything else to include in this post, but I can think of some things I need to do. So on that note, au revoir!
We have had internet for the past 2 or 3 weeks, and it has been glorious! I didn't realize how much I missed it. I've lived without internet before, but when your job takes up most of your time at home, and said job also requires frequent use of the internet, it's a bit more difficult to go without. Matt and I have been in a Netflix coma for a good portion of the past several weeks, as well.
So if we've had internet for a couple weeks now, why have I not written? It's complicated. School literally consumes my life - most of the time Matt takes care of the cooking because I get home from school and continue to work until bed time. I think one other good reason is that blogging is no longer a habit for me. I've had to prioritize, and my blog fell to the bottom of the list. When you are struggling to find the time to take care of yourself and your marriage, your blog suddenly becomes trivial fluff.
Having not blogged in a while, I'm actually a tad unsure of what to even write about. It's not that nothing has gone on (au contraire!). It's more much goes on all the time that I really don't have the time or mental capacity to process it all. Sounds fun, no? So I'm just going to start typing without a plan (which may be very dangerous) and see where we end up.
I am still loving my job despite the emotional and mental demands. I love teaching middle school - I would so much rather deal with attitude and teenage angst than tattling, crying, and whining. The kids continuously make me laugh, oftentimes without even meaning to. Teaching science is a ton of fun, even if it is a ton of work. I mean, let's be honest. What other job would allow me to burn things over and over again and create cracker poop in a bag (one of the funniest days to date!)? When we come back from the break, we are going to start two of my very favorite units - astronomy (8th grade) and heredity (7th grade). Stars and punnet squares...yippee!!!
This past week was a very easy and laid-back week - I left school by 4 every single day (something that has not happened since in-service week before school started!)! Because I teach at a private Christian school, the church Christmas program is something my students are required to participate in. This past week there were many rehearsals, all of which took up my class time. So I only had 7th grade Tues-Thurs, and I had 8th grade on Wed&Thurs. Friday was a half-day, which was occupied completely by Christmas parties. Like I said - easy week! My kids surprised me with more gifts than I would ever expect or even anticipate, but my favorite part of that was not so much the gift itself, but the cards many of them included with their gift. Not all of them wrote personal cards, but the ones that did were really sweet and made me feel good about my class. I really like my students.
Zumba is on hiatus for a month, which is unfortunate. I mean, if there is any month that we really need to be exercising, it's this one! If you could see the abundance of breads, cookies, and holiday treats on my counter, you would agree wholeheartedly. In the meantime, I'm hoping to go to yoga...we'll see how that pans out.
I honestly can't think of anything else to include in this post, but I can think of some things I need to do. So on that note, au revoir!
I remember the hereditary unit in science class. Then I grew up and had kids and was all confused that I couldn't predict what traits they'd have after all, LOL! (who knew that blonde hair and light eyes could so easily overcome darker ones?)
Enjoy your break!