Shake It Like You Mean It!

Tonight I went to my first ever ZUMBA class, and I had a blast!  I didn't really know what to expect, except that it should be a ton of fun...and it so was!

I don't have a strong background in dance.  Like most girls, I took dance lessons when I was younger, but then decided that I wanted to pursue other interests.  I took a hip hop class in college my first semester...aaand that marks the end of my instruction in dance.

Even though I didn't continue lessons, I didn't give up dancing altogether.  I danced in my house.  I danced by myself.  I danced with friends.  I danced in my car.  And sometimes I danced with Billy Blanks to Tae Bo Funk.

But tonight was different.  Because tonight?  I was in a gym FULL of ladies ready to shake their groove thing!  I mean, really.  There were college-aged girls all the way up to grandmas in that room, and it was awesome!  Part of what made this evening so fun was that with such a diverse group of women, there was no pressure to perform or to do every move perfectly.  We were all just there to work out and have fun!

By the end of the class, I had shaken my hips more than I ever had in the space of one hour.  I was breathing hard, sweating, and laughing.  It was so much fun!  And for as long as I am here, I plan on attending!


Heather Grace said…
Aw, that makes me excited, Lauren! I am going to my first ZUMBA class tomorrow :)
Joshua Nelson said…
That is so awesome! I wish I was a fly on the wall! LoL!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha that hip hop class was RIDICULOUS! We were way too white for that class.

~Emily Whitmoyer
Lauren said…
Heather, you are so going to love ZUMBA! I had a blast! I want to hear all about your experience!

Josh, I would not let you be a fly on the wall. I would make you dance with everyone else. You would love it!

Emily, I totally agree! We were such losers. But it was soooo much fun!! :)
Reba said…
I found my penguin on They have all kinds of animals, too!

And I love zumba, too. There's some hard core zumba chicks at my gym with special skirts and everything!

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