A New Trend?

I feel as if I am blogging simply for the sake of writing a blog on the first of the year. As if that will motivate me to be a more dedicated blogger this year..!! I really do enjoy blogging and reading blogs, though. I was looking at my posting habits and they have been horrible! I think I probably averaged a post a week or a post every other week. But in December? Man, it shot through the roof (read: unemployment = plenty of free time). And the number of readers has doubled at the very least (probably due to what I posted about most frequently - losing our jobs).

So aside from blogging, here is what the first of the year held for me:
Countless sneezes and tissues
Taking down Christmas decorations
Traditional lunch of black eyed peas and cornbread (I skipped the mustard greens...)
Drug induced coma (aka: nap)
Feverish chills

I have a crappy immune system as it is, so to have eaten so many sweets and to not exercise makes me an easy target for any germ or infection seeking to wreak havoc in a human being. So here's hoping tomorrow holds stronger antibodies.


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