go hug a tree!

1) they remind me of the tree of Gondor
2) they remind me of Japanese cherry blossoms
neither of those reasons are particularly impressive...in fact, the first is downright geeky and loser-ish of me. but i must be honest, i do like the lord of the rings (the books and the movies). but either way, when i look at this tree, i feel like i am not in blah college station texas. for those of you who don't know, i have an EXTREMELY active imagination, and use it often...will i ever grow up?!

so, God has been doing a lot of things in my life as of late! i don't quite know where to start - there is so much! He keeps reminding me that i can make plans, but He ultimately guides my path. He is also teaching me a lot about trusting Him when things go wrong. a lot of things have gone wrong, a lot of my plans have been changed (and some changed back)...but through it all He is still good and sovreign! seriously, diving into the Word the first thing in the morning is probably the best thing ever - it just gets my day started off right! i had been one of those people who thought spending time with God at night was fine, until it was revealed to me that when i gave my evenings to God, i was just giving Him what little i had left at the end of the day! God deserves way more than just my leftovers!!!!
He is also working in my relationship with my roommate a lot, and for this I am thankful. I love my roommate to death, and am so blessed to have such a great friend as a roomie! God has been teaching us both about loving each other as He calls us to love everyone! because of this, we never fight, and we don't let ourselves get upset over small things like trash, dishes, or the thermostat. i am excited because i know this is how things are supposed to be - after all, He says the world will know us because of the love we as followers of Christ have for one another!

i'm going to see you in less than an hour. :)
yay for classroom management and mih-tah wonnnh!!!
make me feel not so alone :)