On Missing School

Today has been a really weird day.

It's Columbus Day, and so school is out.  In fact, my school was closed - I wasn't allowed to go up there to get work done.  I stayed home.  Everyone else went to work. 

It felt a lot like when I was still looking for a job.  Matt left, and I was the only one home.  Granted, I did work on school all day long (got the next 2 weeks planned - now I just have to create everything I planned...).  But still.  It was rather surreal.  I almost felt like I should be sitting on the couch reading a Lauren Willig novel instead of staying in Science-world all day.

This week will be a really weird week.

I have to show up for jury duty tomorrow.  To say that I am not looking forward to it is a gross understatement.  But Columbus Day + jury duty = 3-day work week for me.  On Friday I'm going to think it is Wednesday, and I will be very confused when Saturday makes its appearance the next day.

Like I said.  Weird.


We didn't miss school for Columbus day here, not sure why (maybe has to do with 2 other teacher in-service days recently), but I hear ya that combined with jury duty, that would make for a weird-feeling week!

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