
Hello.  My name is Lauren.  ("Hi Lauren.")  And I'm a workaholic.  I think I've known this deep down inside for...ever.  It really started showing when I did my student teaching semester and I spent every day at the school from 7:30 AM - 5 (or later) PM and then came home and worked on school until I went to sleep at 9:30.  I also spent most of my weekends grading and preparing all. day. long.

Then I worked at Redcloud as an Outdoor Educator.  You work crazy hours with that kind of job anyway (beginning anywhere from 2:30-7 AM and ending anywhere from 9PM to...the end of the week, depending on the group [some groups you were with 24/7]).  Even when I was technically "done" or "off", I would go looking for someone who needed help doing something.  You need help in the kitchen?  I'm there.  Need help cleaning up after dinner?  Okay.  What about in the office?  No problem.

THEN I went to Camp Eagle.  My work weeks ranged between the 45-70 hour mark, sometimes topping even that.  Many weekends (especially in the Fall and Spring) I spent my weekends arriving at work before the sun and getting home between 10PM-1AM to make sure everything was going alright (some weekdays, too).

Control freak, perfectionist, workaholic.

I'm noticing the same trend as I work at the school.  Technically?  I'm part time.  But really?  I average about 60 hours a week.  Part of this (a large part) is due to the fact that it is my first year teaching this subject to these grade levels.  Though I have some great (wonderful, awesome, fantastic, saintly!) friends who have shared their materials and wisdom with me, I still have to write a lot of my own materials and design the labs and lesson plans.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not complaining.  I knew what I was getting myself into and I really like this so far!  Alls I'm trying to say here is that...well, maybe the reason I'm sick is because I don't stop.  (Oh, PS - I'm sick.  Did you know?)  It wouldn't be the first time.  And I'm definitely saying that the reason I've neglected this blog is because I choose to spend my time working instead.  (What can I say?  Lots to do!)

I do think this blog is important.  I enjoy writing a lot, and I know that in the future, I will love looking back at the things I've written and then laughing and shaking my head at my ridiculous self.  And I know that though most of you guys aren't dying to see a new post pop up from me all the time, some of you really do enjoy keeping up with me via this here blog-fangled contraption.

So I'll try to post more frequently.  I will.  I'll try.  I'll think about it?  NO!  I will.


Katie said…
I, personally, am dying to read more posts.

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