An Answered Prayer!

You know, I should never plan what I'm going to write on my blog, because it never happens like I think it will.  Ever.  But I've never been more excited about a change of plans than this!

Because you know what?


As in, a good, steady job!!!  I am so excited!  Like, WAY more excited than Rebecca Black on Fridays.

Not even four hours ago, I was offered the position of 7th and 8th grade Science teacher at the school I subbed at all spring.  And not even two hours ago, I accepted!

I keep alternating between wanting to dance around and make strange hooting, yipping noises and wanting to cry because I am just so happy.

I never saw it coming.  Really.  I had thought that door was completely closed.  The position I had originally interviewed for there didn't work out and I figured that was the end of it.  But last night on our way to church I got a call from the assistant principal, telling me that a position for a science teacher had opened up and would I be interested?!!  I said absolutely (!) and spoke to the principal this evening.  And we lived happily ever after.  Ha!

**For those of you who like short versions of stories, stop here.  For those of you who love details, carry on**

A couple weeks ago a position opened up at my church, and the ladies that told me so also said, "You would be so perfect for that position!"  And really, it did seem to be an excellent match.  That was the position that I was going to interview for last Tuesday.  Which got moved to last Thursday.  Which got moved to this morning.  I was so anxious about it at first, and as time went on, my anxiety disappeared.  I don't know how or why, but it just...was.

I had my interview this morning.  I was greatly looking forward to it, though I can't say I was anxious like I was before.  I'm usually pretty chill going into interviews, so I didn't think too much about it.  The interview went wonderfully.  It was more like a conversation than an interview, and there was a lot of laughing involved from all three of us.  I left and was hopeful, but I knew they wouldn't have an answer for me for at least a week, maybe two even.  I drove away feeling that if I were offered that position, I would be quite happy and really would enjoy it greatly.

But as I spoke to the principal of the school this evening, I was practically bursting at the seams - I was so excited!  I knew, just knew, that this is what God wanted me to do.  Everything makes sense.  It all fell together perfectly, like only God can make happen.

And while I'm super pumped, I'm also really nervous.  Because school starts in less than a month, which gives me less than a month to set up a classroom, write lesson plans, and figure everything out!  Ahhh!  That really is not very much all.

SO.  For those of you who are teachers, or who know teachers, I would absolutely love any advice you have for me in this crunch time!  Science teachers, feel free to share any and all ideas for lesson plans, labs, and activities.  7th and 8th grade.  And when I say feel free, I really mean pretty, pretty, PRETTY PLEASE!!!!

All praise and glory to God who provided!  He was working together the details, weaving them in and out and all around.  He could see the front of the tapestry - the beautiful design.  And I?  I could see the back, where knots about and images are distorted.  But He has answered prayer and I am so thankful!


Congratulations Lauren! I am so so so happy for you. Such a relief!
Joshua Nelson said…
*does happy dance*

You're going to be a science teacher, You're going to be a science teacher!!!!

I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

I just can't smiling for you guys!!!!
Lauren Berger said…
LA - that is simply wonderful dear! You're going to be an adorable version of Ms. Frizzle! As to advice - been there. Been RIGHT where you are, except I took over an elementary school classroom during a February (a teacher left - can you say lame?) when I had only done my studies and student teaching in middle school. Had no-clue-what-I-was-doing. And THEN some. But ya know, don't worry about most of it. Because you'll most likely have a team of people to help with lesson planning. There is a big jumble right now with the TAKS test going bye-bye and STAR test saying "hello". None of us know whats going on. As to you're room, get the bare necessities. I killed my pocketbook the first year with all sorts of things I could have done without. Be smart. Reuse things and get things off Craigslist. Make the room your own, with a few posters of things you like - bands, landscapes, advertisements. Kids aren't really into those teacher posters. They'd rather be friends with YOU. Number one thing I'm learning to this day - and perhaps it's cliche, but girl it could not be more true - "They don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." Make that your personal mantra. Especially with older kids. Invite a few kids to eat lunch with you once a week. Write them notes of encouragement as appropriate. But get in their lives and love them. Those older kids still want to be loved; they just don't know how to reach out for it. Love the heck out of them girl. No matter what anyone else tells you. Because in the end - you don't answer to your principal, your district superintendent, or even Rick Perry (bah!) - these are the LORD'S children. And He's giving them to you to look after. Love them like Christ would and remind yourself every morning who you really work for. Cause you WILL get bogged down with protocol, deadlines, baseline test & interim assessments and blah blah blah and you're going to be sitting at your desk, un-graded papers in hand, crying to yourself that you didn't sign up for all this hoopla, that all you want to do is TEACH. Let the Lord remind you that He's with you and that as long as you're loving His children and doing your best, that He's pleased. Love you girl and I'm so excited you're about to start this adventure! Hold onto your raft, Huckleberry Finn. It's about to get crazy! :)
Wow, this is SO awesome! Just to think, all those frustrating months, then things get better--you start to get a few leads you could live with and even be happy about, then things get even better-- and you get a GREAT job! I can't even believe how awesome this is! So thrilled for you!
RisaPerk said…
I think I may have some old lesson plans about forestry, zoology, hydrology, and astronomy! Oh but they are for 5th graders. I'm not sure they would help. Congrats, my friend.
Lauren said…
Thanks everyone for the congrats! I'm super excited!

And Lauren - I had no clue you did that! That's even crazier than having just under a month to prepare! Ah! Thanks for all your words of wisdom. I'll definitely be putting them to use!
Jillchan25 said…
Lauren!!!! I am so happy for you!!!! And Lauren Berger had it right! You are totally going to be Miss Frizzle! Please get an iguana (or any kind of class pet) and have all kinds of weird stuff in your classroom! Or just deck it out in pirate theme just for me!

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