An Unfortunate Feline Encounter

Thursday I got into my car to run some errands.

As I was driving, I kept thinking I smelled cat pee.  Cat pee?  How the heck does my car smell like cat pee?  I don't even own a cat.  Was it the books I just picked up from the library?  Was it my deodorant in an act of rebellion?  After checking both and discovering nothing out of the ordinary, I figured I was probably just imagining it.  Texas heat can do that to you, you know.

Later that evening I set off to another destination, requiring the use of my car.  This time it had been slowly roasting in the sun all afternoon, and the cat pee smell was much more...defined.  Thanks to the harsh glare of the late afternoon sun, I noticed something that escaped my ever so keen eyes before - paw prints.  Little kitty paw prints all over my windshield and hood.  I became more suspicious, so when I arrived back home, Matt and I started checking things.

Sure enough, a cat had peed on my windshield.  There is a crack in the seal at the bottom of my windshield, allowing small amounts of air in as I drive.  However, this small crack was more than adequate for massive amounts of cat urine odor to creep in and get cozy.



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