Forgive Me Blog World, For I Have Sinned
It has been eleven days since my last blog post.
A class of second graders took over my life. They were great. Really, they were. Though I still believe I am meant to teach older kiddos (aka: middle schoolers), this was by far the best class I have subbed for. I had a good time. And here are some other things that happened during the hiatus:
Will and Kate got married. Yay for them! I watched the wedding Saturday morning with my mom, eating beignets and hitting fast forward when I got bored. Supposedly, though, their first dance song was "Make You Feel My Love" by Adele. This, my friends, happens to be the very song Matt and I danced to when we got married last year. I have a special place in my heart for Adele. It seems as if the world is just now figuring out just how enchanting her voice is.
Nutella and Chili Cheese Fritos made an appearance in the house this week. I don't buy junk food, but when someone brings it home, I sure as heck eat it. And when those things materialized, I rediscovered my love for Chili Cheese Fritos. Delish.
The water park at Six Flags opened last weekend and Matt and I celebrated the occasion by paying $12 for the smallest locker they had. Seriously, how ridiculous is that? But I love me some water park, especially on days that hot. And the next day? Highs were in the 50s. Whaaa..???
For most of the week, my dog saw to it that I slept horribly. Always looking out for me, that little dog. Oh, and two nights in a row, I woke up due to a ripping, agonizing pain in my lower right abdomen. I thought for sure I was dying of appendicitis. But I'm not. So that's good.
Matt and I have a free month of Netflix on our Wii, and we are definitely taking advantage of it. This is probably the second greatest reason that I have not blogged in almost 2 weeks*.
The public library and Netflix are enabling my Tina Fey and 30 Rock addiction.
We made a delicious pasta dish with fresh Mozzarella cheese and fresh basil cut from our basil plant in the back yard.
We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with these enchiladas, Mexican Brownies, dulce de leche ice cream, margaritas, and American Idol.
And that pretty much brings us up to now.
*Except we've only had it for 5ish days. Minor technicality.
A class of second graders took over my life. They were great. Really, they were. Though I still believe I am meant to teach older kiddos (aka: middle schoolers), this was by far the best class I have subbed for. I had a good time. And here are some other things that happened during the hiatus:
Will and Kate got married. Yay for them! I watched the wedding Saturday morning with my mom, eating beignets and hitting fast forward when I got bored. Supposedly, though, their first dance song was "Make You Feel My Love" by Adele. This, my friends, happens to be the very song Matt and I danced to when we got married last year. I have a special place in my heart for Adele. It seems as if the world is just now figuring out just how enchanting her voice is.
Nutella and Chili Cheese Fritos made an appearance in the house this week. I don't buy junk food, but when someone brings it home, I sure as heck eat it. And when those things materialized, I rediscovered my love for Chili Cheese Fritos. Delish.
The water park at Six Flags opened last weekend and Matt and I celebrated the occasion by paying $12 for the smallest locker they had. Seriously, how ridiculous is that? But I love me some water park, especially on days that hot. And the next day? Highs were in the 50s. Whaaa..???
For most of the week, my dog saw to it that I slept horribly. Always looking out for me, that little dog. Oh, and two nights in a row, I woke up due to a ripping, agonizing pain in my lower right abdomen. I thought for sure I was dying of appendicitis. But I'm not. So that's good.
Matt and I have a free month of Netflix on our Wii, and we are definitely taking advantage of it. This is probably the second greatest reason that I have not blogged in almost 2 weeks*.
The public library and Netflix are enabling my Tina Fey and 30 Rock addiction.
We made a delicious pasta dish with fresh Mozzarella cheese and fresh basil cut from our basil plant in the back yard.
We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with these enchiladas, Mexican Brownies, dulce de leche ice cream, margaritas, and American Idol.
And that pretty much brings us up to now.
*Except we've only had it for 5ish days. Minor technicality.