True or False? - God Doesn't Do Small

Earlier this week I overheard someone say, "God doesn't do small," and I'm not entirely sure I agree with that statement.  To be fair, I'll give you the basic idea of the conversation:

They were talking about the upcoming Zumbathon for the Casa de Aguila orphanage in Peru (more about this in the near future!), and were just amazed at the already great response from the community.  They were talking about how we may need to expand a bit to accommodate all the people that will (hopefully) be there, and were so excited about the way God is moving to make this happen.

Don't get me wrong - I am super pumped about this, and I agree that God seems to be blowing this way past our initial hopes!  But to say that God doesn't do small..??  Like, at all?  Ever?  Why not?  Isn't that boxing Him in or even limiting Him?

I'm just not sold.  I mean, what about the flowers that bloom every spring?  What about when a new life is created?  I guess you could argue that ultimately those are still big things.  Or that I am dissecting one comment a bit too meticulously.  But hey, what can I say?

But I feel like even if the Zumbathon was only five people, it would still be impactful.  It would still be ministering to orphans in Peru and the five people who showed up.  And who knows how huge of a deal that could be to any one of those people?  And who's to say that it won't have a domino effect?  (Not that I want it to be only five people.  I would much prefer to pack it out!  I'm just sayin', ya know?)

I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this, too.


Averyswife said…
You're right. I tend to get a little annoyed when people employ cliched phrases to describe God too. But yet, God does big, small, and sometimes even not at all.
Averyswife said…
Ugh, that was supposed to say "but yes" not "but yet".
Jim said…
Hmm, Lauren. Though I don't disagree w/ that passing statement in context, it did remind me of a property of Physics.
If you have two particles, and one touches the other, they are linked-"entangled". So that if you change the spin on one, the spin is instantly changed on the second- INSTANTLY. Faster than light, and it's been verified experimentally.
Scientists are now using this to teleport bigger and bigger objects (again, instantly). But the overall conclusion of this property of the small is mind blowing- every atom in the universe has touched every other atom via this quantum transferrence. So, though the effects equal out and it's usually not noticeable, when even the tiniest possible thing happens- 2 bits of air striking each other- the entire universe is instantly aware.
So really, biggest and smallest are inseparable, we just physically and spiritually can't see that. But it reminds me that everything will be called into account, and that we exist in, through and for Christ.

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