Jumping on the Yoga Debate Bandwagon

My first experience with yoga was with my dad in high school. My dad went to yoga class every week, and so I tagged along one day to see what it was like. We laid out our mats in the back of the room and began the class...and I can honestly say that is the most I have ever laughed in a fitness gym. I constantly fell over and knocked into my dad. My shirt kept coming up over my head. My muscles were so tight I could barely make my body even slightly resemble the crazy pretzel people in the room. And when the instructor told us to allow and imagine our kidneys floating up into the sky, I lost it. I laughed so hard that my dad even started laughing. We got in trouble.

Now I do yoga with a good friend of mine using Baron Baptiste DVDs. I can honestly say that yoga is one of the best workouts for someone with as many joint issues and injuries that I have. I can also honestly say that concentrating and focusing on the poses and my breathing (it's Vinyasa yoga - it means "with breath") has made focusing on daily tasks much easier. And believe it or not, I think yoga is even beneficial to my marriage.

Over the past few weeks I have seen more little blips on my computer screen pertaining to yoga. The first was a Yahoo! article that asked "Should Christians do Yoga?"...I don't remember if it ever came a conclusion or not. Since then I have talked with several people about the issue and read articles with opposing viewpoints. I believe the main concerns Christians have with yoga are that originally it was meant as a form of worship to the Hindu gods, it was a form of prayer, and many forms of yoga encourage the participant to empty their minds...all things that go directly against Scripture. In America today, however, yoga is simply marketed as a relaxing exercise which strengthens and tones the body and the mind. So then what is it?

I do see the very valid concerns of critics. I believe in the one true Almighty God and none other. He alone is worthy of any form of praise or worship. He alone is worthy of prayer. And the whole emptying your mind thing is simply foolish and even dangerous. We are told to guard our hearts and our minds (Philippians 4:7), not to just empty them and allow anything to enter in!

I do firmly believe that we need to be careful. We need to pray about things. We need to check things with Scripture - does it line up? I also believe that most (not all) evil things are good things that Satan has perverted. I believe that there is nothing evil about stretching our bodies or maintaining poses that work on our strength, flexibility, and concentration. But I believe that stretching our bodies and maintaining poses in worship of ANYTHING or anyone other than the Lord God Almighty is evil.

I also believe that there still are yoga classes and yoga practices that stay very true to their roots. I believe we need to make wise and informed choices. I believe we need to check our hearts and continue to lift them up in prayer to the Lord. Continue to pray that He reveals truth to us. I think it's very possible that yoga is just what you make it.

As of right now, I don't believe my overall opinions on yoga have changed. I will most likely still do yoga with my friend as a form of exercise. I believe that, being filled with the Holy Spirit, I would feel convicted while doing yoga if it was wrong. If and when asked to clear my mind, I will continue to fix my thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. To think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable, and to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8). And I will continue to thank the Lord for giving me a healthy body that is able to stretch and grow stronger.

And you know, I am open to discussion. I love to hear the opinions of others, even if they differ from mine. And I promise you that if you offer your opinion, I will listen and think it over; I will not quickly dismiss it.

So talk to me. Tell me what you think.


Emily Dozier said…
I loooove yoga.
Yet I have also debated through some of the arguments againt it. But I see it as an opportunity to practice discipline and self control.
I focus on taking my mind off wordly things and daily worries so that instead I can focus on how I can honor the Lord (and my husband) with my body by keeping active and healthy. And I spend time thanking Him for giving me a body that works so well.
Have fun being a pretzel! I know I will. Praise God for the ability to stretch and stregthen!
Anonymous said…
I have to be real honest with you, I JUST overheard a conversation at my office the other day about how yoga is "bad", with the conversation referring specifically to Christians.
Here's what I think : There are evil things in this world that are evil because of the perversion of good (just as you said) and then there are things that get thrown into this debate of good and evil because people don't have anything better to do (and what better way for Satan to use someone with an idle mind) It doesn't take a yoga session to clear your mind. But this arguement (when I first heard it at the office, especially) strikes a chord with me that illuminates how easy it is to turn our focus from having a relationship with and worshiping God Almighty into a "Christian" list of Do's and Do Not's. We're not created to follow a list of Do's and Do Not's. We're created to glorify Him.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here. You've obviously weighed this issue (and gracious knows we need people who are willing to weigh the issues because people like me would just tick everyone off with my "get over it!" mentality) but I'm with you, my opinion of yoga hasn't changed a bit.
The great/horrible thing about yoga is that it is what you make of it. It's like halloween: it can be as innocent as carving pumpkins and eating candy or it can turn into something much more dangerous.
I truly feel that yoga has been good for my marriage and honestly, it quiets me. It makes me slow down and process things like a rational person. It removes the noise and the gunk of the day enough to focus on listening to the Holy Spirit instead of constantly being driven by my own leadings and devices.
Reba said…
You copied my post! :) Are you going to be around camp Nov. 19-20? Because I'm going to be leading the Walkabouts in a yoga discussion. You should come! :)
I like what you had to say about yoga. IMO, yoga does good for your body--maintains it, and our body should be a temple for God. However, there are different kinds of yoga. I know the one I do derives from preparing your body to meditate for long periods--but not actually entering into mediation/the religious acts, of course. Yoga does clear my mind, but in a way that lets me focus on God, because that's what I choose to do with that time. I do the yoga at the gym, where it's mainly focused on the body. I haven't experienced a yoga-only facility though. :-)

Good thoughts!
Did YOU write the Christian article about yoga? Because you should've! this post was very good!
Lauren said…
Thanks guys for your input! I'm glad to know that I have a bunch of friends who feel the same way I do - perhaps that is part of why we are friends?! ;)

Emily - I think it definitely can help us honor not only the Lord and our husbands...great point!

MP - I think so many things in Christianity border on legalism, and not because Christ intended it that way, but because we as humans want to define things and limit things so that we can have a perfect, orderly little box of a life. I like your point about Halloween, too. I agree that yoga quiets me and relaxes me, and that is a GOOD thing :)

Reba - I'm sorry you feel like I copied your post. I had actually been thinking about this and planning on writing about it for about a week before I actually posted it...my life is just a bit hectic and I don't have much time to get around to blogging. But I'm excited you are coming out again! I have a retreat that weekend (when do I not?! ;) ) but hopefully I will be able to attend!

Abby - I agree with you - it's good for your body! I have also never been to a yoga-only facility. I bet that would be an interesting experience!

Kit - thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! :)
Anonymous said…
totally just used this post in a grad paper...not like copy and paste used, but you know, the part about how clearing your mind completely can be dangerous!
Shame on Ophelia for clearing her mind. ;-)

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