Billy Kicks Butt

Yeah. Mine hurts. As do my arms, thighs, abs, and lower back. It's only been just over an hour since we finished working out - tomorrow is going to be one of those move-really-slowly-but-not-at-all-if-possible days. I've consulted my muscles, and they all agree.

I have been swimming and doing yoga so often that I have totally neglected my tae-bo times! And my muscles know it. In fact, they are screaming out in pain at me. Loudly (shut up!). But it's the good pain, you know? The kind where you know you did something hard and productive and good for your body!

In other news, campers leave tomorrow and the summer staff get a 4-day weekend! They are super pumped, as I would be if I, too, got a 4-day weekend! But even though that is not the case for me, I am still pretty excited about this weekend, because 2 of my friends are getting married here at camp! Which means about 80 of my other friends are coming to witness it! Hooray! It's going to be a blast.

But the biggest reason Friday can't get here fast enough? Matt is coming :)


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