What Destroys Beauty

I have had a lot on my mind lately. I mean a LOT. I won't go into detail, but my life just continues to grow more hectic daily. There are so many things that are out of my control and must be entrusted to the unlimited strength and power of my Almighty God.

I have had a lot of time to think about everything going on and I have most certainly asked "Why?" about a lot of things. It got me to thinking about how God created everything and He declared it as good. It was beautiful. The garden was beautiful. The animals were beautiful. The plants were beautiful. And the people were beautiful. Their relationship with the Lord was beautiful. But then Satan (coincidentally once the most beautiful of all the angels) came in and worked his deception and twisted truth. And he destroyed the beauty that God so lovingly created. He perverted it and twisted it into something it wasn't.

How often does he do this in our lives? God blesses us with something beautiful, and Satan does his very best to pervert, to distort, and to destroy. He tries to convince us that his "beauty" is better. That what he has to offer will satisfy us more. Sometimes we listen, and sometimes all we are left with are broken pieces of the original beauty.

The wonderful thing is that God is a god of redemption. He doesn't leave us in a state of depravity - He loves, He saves, He conquers, He rescues and redeems!!! He can take the pieces of something so broken we don't even remember what it once was and put them back together into something beautiful again.

I am so thankful for this. And I am so thankful that I don't have to worry about taking control or micro-managing each situation on my plate right now. God is in control and always has been (despite my best efforts to control things myself), and it is much better that way.


Heather said…
This is a wonderful reminder to us all. Thank you for sharing!
Jessica said…
Very true words, Lauren. It's so very good to be reminded of God's truths over and over again. Love ya, friend.

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