Hawks for Jesus

Yesterday a man from the Birds of Prey Conservatory in San Antonio came to camp to educate the school group on...birds of prey. It was really cool! We got to see hawks (2) and a barn owl, a horned owl, and a tiny horned owl that is only 6 inches high when it is full grown! We also got to see a vulture and a bald eagle! The hawks flew around our heads and we had a jolly good time.

I think my favorite part about the whole thing was when the first hawk (a bay winged hawk) landed on the cross in the pavilion that is suspended above the stage. The representative from BOP exclaimed "HAWKS FOR JESUS!"

The school group was Jewish.


Anonymous said…
oh my gosh, HOW FUNNY. What did the group leaders say?
Lauren said…
Nothing as far as I know (because most of them were in town buying adult beverages...haha!!!)
Heather Grace said…
I'm so glad you found me on here, Lauren! It's good to be able to keep up with people over this :) Miss you!

Anonymous said…
wow. just wow. :) Did they bring you back any of the aforementioned adult beverages or at least a coke?
Lauren said…
haha nope! if I hadn't been asleep when they started then I would have been invited.

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