i love this day
it's red ribbon week (drug awareness), and today was "sock it to drugs" day.
i totally ate it up.
my students either think i am completely awesome or a total lunatic. i'm fine with either ;)
tomorrow is wear a tie day.
this will be fun!
i have no clue how to tie a tie.
the following photos are inspired by my crazy sock wearing self.

aaaaand....jack got scared and wanted to be held....so i took pictures with him, too ;)
i love this day
it's red ribbon week (drug awareness), and today was "sock it to drugs" day.
i totally ate it up.
my students either think i am completely awesome or a total lunatic. i'm fine with either ;)
tomorrow is wear a tie day.
this will be fun!
i have no clue how to tie a tie.
the following photos are inspired by my crazy sock wearing self.

aaaaand....jack got scared and wanted to be held....so i took pictures with him, too ;)
