
my future is so unsure. i don't even know if i'm guaranteed tomorrow! God willing, i finish up school in a little less than 3 weeks (!!!), work, take summer school, be in my best friend's wedding, and move home until i graduate. once i graduate, i have no idea where God will lead me. sometimes this is really exciting for me, and at other times it is incrediby frustrating! i am so curious! so eager! so excited! and yet, i don't want to grow up. why is it hard to trust God with this? i know He has it under control. i know He knows best. and yet, i want to take it into my own hands. or at least know what's going on. gotta be patient!!!


Katie said…
You make a very good point. Dwelling in self-pity and selfishness IS sin, and thank goodness that Christ died so that we don't have to endure eternal punishment for stuff like that! His grace covers sins like that (which I am guilty of quite often). You're right - Christians still sin.

I think I used the wrong words in that post - thank you for pointing out why I was wrong! I guess I should have said that the two lifestyles (if that's what you would call being emo) are in opposition. Following God means that you repent of sins that you are living in and live your life to follow Him, and living in a constant state of selfishness and self-pity is not the kind of life that God desires for us. I definitely used the wrong phrasing and words in my post. You were so right in everything you said! I do agree!

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