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Answered Prayer in the Form of a New Job

I've waited a long time to be able to write this blog post. This is probably going to be a long one.  But it's a good one. As you know, this past May I turned in my resignation at the school I taught at for the past 2 years.  I didn't have a job lined up; no definite plans.  But Matt and I knew that it was time.  We knew that God was telling us to step out in faith and follow His leading.  So we did. I started out incredibly optimistic.  After a month or so with no leads and no word from schools or districts, I started to wonder if I had made the wrong decision.  But no, I knew I had done what I was supposed to do.  Clearly I had some bad days - I blogged on the worst one.  But then I always bounced back. Just after the 4th of July weekend, I started getting calls for interviews.  I went to these interviews knowing that they were not the schools or the district that Matt and I had been praying for, but God had opened the doors and I was going to see what wa

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